My daughter was diagnosed with infantile spams when she was 13 months old. I wanted to write a blog about Aliyah's events for some time now. I am finding it to be healing and hope it can help other parents in some sort of way. At first my husband didn't want me constantly focusing my attention on IS and its consequences but eventually I did face it. I accepted it in order to help my baby girl.
Friday, December 23, 2011
Oct 2011 - EXTRA HELP!!! Brian Lounsberry, Stefanie Heaser, Carrie Demmon
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Aliyah with her feeding tube
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Friday, December 16, 2011
Blood clots..... Sept 23.2011
Sunday, September 18, 2011
She is understanding more and more everyday!!!!! I am sooooooooooooooooooo happy for her..... all this happiness is making my chest hurt!!!!
When I asked Aliyah to give me a kiss she puckered up :)...
She tries to handle door knobs!!!!! I am pretty sure she is understanding the reason behind them!!! :)
(Words I am almost sure she understands!!!)
thirsty/ drink
(Maybe knows)
Sept.7.2011 Email from Dr.Joshi over Aliyah's genetic results/tests
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Aug.19.11 Lumbar Puncture, PET SCAN, Video EEG AND SEIZURE LOG Aug 5- Sept 6.2011
I must note that corn puffs was given to my daughter by her therapist, she forgot
my daughter was on a strict diet. Aliyah suffered by having clusters of seizures....
The counts were lost, but the awful experience is still remembered...
This just made us more alert who was around her and to be strict more than ever
when it comes to her diet.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Response email from Dr. Joshie Aug, 10th
Hello Lizette and Sean,
I am sorry to hear that Aliyah had to be admitted. I can completely feel your anguish. I know that you have been great advocates for Aliyah and knew that something was not right from the get go.
I have now looked at all her notes in the electronic chart.
I have yet to see recent labs that may have been done in child serve.
I am still catching up with all the backlog emails etc but decided to write to you so you know what I am thinking.
Your appointment with me is not till the 19th August and I decided to write so we can get organized on what needs to be done.
This is a LONG e email but you will ne able to review it- AND WE CAN STILL TALK LATER- instead of me talking to you FIRST and then you feeling overwhelmed with extra information
Re diagnosis:
1. Aliyah had hypsarrhythmia initially and then modified hypsarrhythmia in f/u. she has drops/ continued myoclonic seizures. In infancy these are called infantile spasms and later are also called epileptic spasms- a type of myoclonic seizure. Thus the terms are used as a continuum.
2. I had also spoken to you about admitting her and starting from scratch at the last visit- with doing a lumbar puncture etc as some of the initial tests were screening tests done in DesMoines.
3. At the last clinic visit, I sent off blood tests for the Rett syndrome and SCN1A. The Rett syndrome test is negative but the SCN1A is still pending…
4. I was hoping that I could tie in some of the additional genetic testing after I had received these test results back- however as Aliyah got worse, you were already admitted before we could coordinate the tests.
5. Regarding your friend’s suggestions, for the patients with GEFS+, there is a strong family history of fever related seizures and also the initial presentation of the child is fever related seizures.
6. For the “ female version” of the SCN1A I think the friend is referring to a condition for PCDH19. Again patients with this condition present with a lot of fever related seizures- not something that Aliyah has done.
7. However, I am not averse to closing the doors on any possibility- but when the tests are very expensive- with a chance of you having to bear some costs, I wish to start with the best fit and then move from there.
8. If Aliyah has a genetic cause for epilepsy, the chance of a “cure” is small as it is not possible to alter genes. Thus if we do the tests in a step wise fashion although you may wait upto 3 weeks for each test, please do not feel that you are wasting precious time in terms of treatment.
9. Considering the fact that Aliyah can have a genetic cause for her seizures, I have purposefully avoided discussing with you some medications that can worsen such seizure types (Dilantin, Tegretol etc).
I am aware that this (GENETIC PROBLEM) is possible for Alyah and will continue to check her as you also have a little one at home.
10. In upto 70% of patients with infantile spasms a cause can be found. I am more interested in testing her for a cause that is treatable by medication immediately. So I would propose testing her with lumbar puncture first as the tests to be done on the spinal fluid can not be done on blood and if there is a chemical abnormality in her fluid (this is a different issue from the genetic test), we can try to correct it.
I am very open to discuss Aliyha’s case with your friend’s epilepsy doctor- with your permission- so we can brain storm together to get Aliyah better- if you think this is what needs to be done.
I am going to order an EEG for Aliyah and we can also do the LP during the admission for the EEG. If the EEG shows that the drops are coming from ONE focus, I shall order additional tests ( called PET scan)
Charuta Joshi MBBS, FRCPC
Clinical Associate Professor
Division of Pediatric Neurology
2506 JCP, UIHC
200 Hawkins Drive
Iowa City 52242
Weaning off from ACTH and on the KETOGENIC DIET
Our nutritionist, Karla Mracek wasn't expecting to start Aliyah on the Ketogenic Diet so soon... she had set up an appointment 3 weeks from our day of admittance to the hospital.... She came into our room and asked us to start the Modified Atkinson Diet instead and come back in 3 weeks as schedule.. because she was busy starting the Keto Diet with 3 other patients during our stay....
I did not want the Modified Atkins Diet.... I did not want me daughter to have 40 seizures a day for the next 3 weeks..... I could not believe she asked me to wait... I could not believe it!!! Yes everyone I did "B####" at her... Believe me I did not mean to!!!! I was just very frustrated!!!! I needed something done for my daughter!!! I asked her what was so hard other than setting up recipes that computer software generated!!!! What is so hard to ask the nurses to collect blood samples? What would be so hard for me to check her ketones in her urine? WHAT IS SOOOOOO HARD ABOUT IT!!!! MY DAUGHTER WAS SEIZING!!!!I ASKED IF THERE WAS ANOTHER NUTRITIONIST THAT CAN START ALIYAH ON THE DIET... she said no, she was the only one qualified/experienced...... At last she did say how she will try to fit us in during our stay there!!!!
Today I still appreciate Karla and Dr. Joshie!!! :)
The first day- August 1st:
Karla gave us literature to read: The Ketogenic Diet by John M. Freeman and a pamphlet that explained briefly the diet. She also gave us a weighing balance that measures grams to take home and a food itinerary for us to follow for the next 3 days. The book said she would need to fast for 24 hours, but she disagreed with this part of the protocol because she believed it was not needed for her body needed that part for a quicker onset of ketosis, also because Aliyah did not eat for a full day because of her constipation prior to the start of the keto diet. She explained the reason for Aliyah’s admission, in order to monitor her seizures during the diet, make sure all of her medications were carbohydrate-free and sugar-free, and of course to guide us for the first couple of days in person.
Her first meal was a Keto Egg Nog at 12pm
The meal consisted of :
40 grams of cream
27 grams of whole milk
22 grams of liquid egg
2 grams of Splenda
3 drops of pure vanilla extract
3pm meal was Hot Dog, Cheese, and vegetable
25 grams cooked carrots
25 grams cooked hot dog (Classical beef frank)
10 grams American Cheese
63 grams heavy cream
5pm Keto Egg Nog
****Karla gave us a list of Low carb and carb-free products.
We had to change and be aware of ointments, moisturizers, Lip Balms, sunscreen, toothpaste, fluoride supplements, dentist office products, shampoo, hair conditioners, pain relievers, laxatives, baby wipes, antacids, foot powders, insect repellants, deodorants, soaps and hand sanitizers, shaving cream, non-carbonated beverages without sucralose (splenda), electrolyte replacement beverages, sweeteners…. These were some that were mentioned to us to look out for.
Second day- August 2nd:
I asked the neurologist on call Dr, Bossuk to order a helmet for my daughter so that if she does fall when in daycare her head would be protected.
I also asked him for his opinion on my daughter’s case. He believed Aliyah might have a normal life since she is running, walking, climbing, and making verbal noises ma, ba, pa…. But no one knows right now, she is too young to make judgment. This was all good news for us because it gave us hope… He did make it clear it was only going to be determined by the activity of her seizures. We needed to find a way to control her spams….
8am – Keto Egg Nog
12pm- Keto Meal
5pm- Keto Meal
7pm- Keto Egg Nog
Aliyah was extremely tired, Karla explained it was because of the change in energy intake… from glucose to keto.
Shee slept for most of the day. When she was awake she had 9 head drops, sometimes she would have fallen on her face if I was not around to catch her during her head drop. Her ketone levels was low.
Third day- August 3rd: ALIYAH’S BIRTHDAY!
8am – Keto Meal
12pm- Keto Meal
2:30pm- Keto Snack
5pm- Keto Meal
7pm- Keto Snack
For her 2 yr old B-day she couldn’t have a traditional b-day cake …….. This is when I first realized our lifestyle will change.
*** Aliyah was still under high dosage of ACTH so she was ALWAYS HUNGRY!!! At the time we were on the process of weaning ACTH off her system since it didn’t help in controlling or diminishing her seizures… At first there was a little hope because we saw some decrease in her head drops but then they came back strong while taking high dosage of ACTH …. Also we were told ACTH may have been the reason why her blood pressure was so high and why she was so badly constipated.
Aliyah showed no head drops and her ketone level was moderate.
Being discharged --- August 4th
Karla gave us a website to go to adjust, make up new recipes of meal and snacks.
Along with our user name and password so we can access the website. She already set up how many calories Aliyah needed to intake daily (1100 calories) and started her off 3:1 ratio (Aliyah Keto Diet “dosage”)
“A ketogenic diet “ratio” is the ratio of fat to carbohydrate and protein grams combined. A 4:1 ratio is more strict than a 3:1 ratio, and is typically used for most children. A 3:1 ratio is typically used for infants, adolescents, and children who require higher amounts of protein or carbohydrate for some other reason.” (
Aliyah showed no head drops and her ketone level was high.
She was still tired due to the transition.
We were asked to commit to the diet for at least 3 months. We promised to be as strict as we can be.
Ketogenic Diet
Saturday, September 3, 2011
BLOOD PRESSURE AND road to seizure-free game plan
Monday, July 11, 2011
Understanding words
Friday, July 1, 2011
Quick update... ACTH
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Friday, June 10, 2011
Something kept on telling me her "chin drops" were not normal, they were not Paroxysmal Tonic Upgaze they looked too similar to her developing seizures of IS.... So I did what any parent would do, ask Aliyah's regular physician to refer Aliyah to see a chils neurologist in Iowa City for a second opinion....... They booked us for November 27,2011, at the time it was the first week of April. I accepted it and called every week, sometimes twice a week to see if there was any cancelations. LUCKILY last week they called back asking Aliyah to come in on June 8th. (5 months and some weeks before her scheduled appt.) We already had plans to go to Iowa City because Aliyah had an appt to be evaluated for Autism, the evaluating team suggested she did not have autism. (what a relief)
But on June 8th, Dr. Joshi told us what Sean and I were in denial of.... Aliyah's infantile spasms came back. She told us ALiyah's neurologist did not diagnose her correctly, that Dr. Alsayouf did not read her EEG and saw her spasms occuring.
At first I just heard siezures.....then Dr. Joshi said spasms... I was confused I flat out asked her if Aliyah has infantile spasms again....... SHE DID.......... I could not believe it...... my heart dropped. I felt like my daughter was lied to, valuable time of healing was taking from us.....
My family is having a hard time taking this in.
We started with the steriods again, increased Keppra and will eventually take away Topomax... Dr. Joshi said Topomax hinders cognitive developmental skills and speech/communication learning. Aliyah was on the max dose no wonder she doesn;t know simple command or who her mom of dad are.
Please pray for my little girl..... we need prayers.......... I want my daughter healed....
Monday, May 9, 2011
Her development skills are delayed. She is now 21 months and in her evaluation was at a 9 month old rate. Her psychologist told us she is falls into the moderate mental retardation category.
"Moderate mental retardation - About 10% of the mentally retarded population is considered moderately retarded. Moderately retarded individuals have IQ scores ranging from 35-55. They can carry out work and self-care tasks with moderate supervision. They typically acquire communication skills in childhood and are able to live and function successfully within the community in a supervised environment such as a group home."
As a parent I can't take this in. Before she was born I had plans, goals, ideas for her.... I feel IS is destroying her future. I wish there is something I could do. There is no known cause why IS came into her life. All I know is that I feel useless, I just wish I could make everything better for her. I wish all the happiness in life for her. I keep on wondering will she be able to maintain a life once I am gone, who will be there for her? what other hardships will she find? Will she find love? be able to have kids?
I wish it was me fighting these battles for her... If only I had the option of trading places with her. I would give anything for her to lead a normal life!!! My little girl..... I never saw this coming when I found out I was pregnant. I dreamt of taking her to ballet lessons, teaching her how to play the violin, teaching her spanishm teaching her calculus once she reached 9th grade, I wanted to teach her everything I know and much more...............