Monday, August 26, 2013


Aliyah has an Ipad but she doesn't know how to use it yet.
So I am doing research on how to make it as useful as possible for her. 

I have come across this website I would love to share with you.

Before this, I was just purchasing "any" educational app products... now I realize, since I do have a special child, I need special apps that will help her learn in a special way.

has helped us select great apps for Aliyah! Like "GoGo Games" and "Preschool Motor Skills".

I will continue to gather more websites for you all!


Dance to the Music

Aliyah lately has been singing the ABCs using letters A,B,G and E for the alphabet. She seems to remember certain parts of the song, but won't repeat it back during circle time or when requested. Just out of the blue, you would hear segments of songs, it may not be clearly but the tune is there.

This video was taken sometime in May2013 in her special needs classroom, she is doing what she loves doing best, jumping and listening to music... At the end of the video, you can see my son, who came to visit and dance with her.