Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Picture Communication Symbols

Aliyah is still settling in the idea of using her augmentative device, but since the icons in the device are too small and not so appealing to Aliyah we are ALSO going to use Picture Communication Symbols, PCS. I already orders my Boardmaker from Mayer Johnson to print more pictures than the ones given to us by therapists. You do not need to order Boardmaker, you can make your own pictures by simply taking pictures with your phone. I just chose to purchase Boardmaker because these pictures are used in a special education classroom so I wanted Aliyah to be able to recognize them at home and at school. 

Items used to make her PCS folder:
Velco Sticky Back
Sheet protectors
contruction paper
Cut off pictures

1) Slide in Construction paper into the sheet protector
2) Cut strips of (soft) velcro
3) Attach by using the sticky side onto the sheet protector,  3 strips of "soft" Velcro per sheet ( you can add more strips but it will look more clutter and distract your child)
4) Laminate and cut your Symbols
5) Attach "Rough" velcro onto the back side of the Symbols 

 You can categorize using different color construction paper. "Drinks", "Schedule", "Fruits and Vegetables", "ABA Therapy", "Clothing Items", "Colors and Shapes", "Favorite Foods"

Augmentative Device

Aliyah's Private Speech therapist has been using Aliyah's Augmentative Device, Accent 700.
They programmed how they wanted to display the screen, deciding how many cells they want Aliyah to see.
 Obviously that many pictures would distract and overwhelm anyone just starting to use any form of speech device. Which is why we selected which ones to display and which ones to hide.
For now we decided 5 cells with picture would be a great starting point : "Play", "Gym", "Eat", "Sleep", and "Go".

If Aliyah were to select "GYM" another row of options would pop up. She would get to chose what activities she would like to work on while in the gym. "Swing", "Trampoline", "Horsey", "Rings", "Jump", and "Rope".