My baby has been losing motor control, dropping her head along with rolling her eyes back just like she did when she intially had IS. Her specialist said it is nothing, but it looks just like she is having her IS seizures...... She does this quite often.
Her development skills are delayed. She is now 21 months and in her evaluation was at a 9 month old rate. Her psychologist told us she is falls into the moderate mental retardation category.
"Moderate mental retardation - About 10% of the mentally retarded population is considered moderately retarded. Moderately retarded individuals have IQ scores ranging from 35-55. They can carry out work and self-care tasks with moderate supervision. They typically acquire communication skills in childhood and are able to live and function successfully within the community in a supervised environment such as a group home."
As a parent I can't take this in. Before she was born I had plans, goals, ideas for her.... I feel IS is destroying her future. I wish there is something I could do. There is no known cause why IS came into her life. All I know is that I feel useless, I just wish I could make everything better for her. I wish all the happiness in life for her. I keep on wondering will she be able to maintain a life once I am gone, who will be there for her? what other hardships will she find? Will she find love? be able to have kids?
I wish it was me fighting these battles for her... If only I had the option of trading places with her. I would give anything for her to lead a normal life!!! My little girl..... I never saw this coming when I found out I was pregnant. I dreamt of taking her to ballet lessons, teaching her how to play the violin, teaching her spanishm teaching her calculus once she reached 9th grade, I wanted to teach her everything I know and much more...............
Her development skills are delayed. She is now 21 months and in her evaluation was at a 9 month old rate. Her psychologist told us she is falls into the moderate mental retardation category.
"Moderate mental retardation - About 10% of the mentally retarded population is considered moderately retarded. Moderately retarded individuals have IQ scores ranging from 35-55. They can carry out work and self-care tasks with moderate supervision. They typically acquire communication skills in childhood and are able to live and function successfully within the community in a supervised environment such as a group home."
As a parent I can't take this in. Before she was born I had plans, goals, ideas for her.... I feel IS is destroying her future. I wish there is something I could do. There is no known cause why IS came into her life. All I know is that I feel useless, I just wish I could make everything better for her. I wish all the happiness in life for her. I keep on wondering will she be able to maintain a life once I am gone, who will be there for her? what other hardships will she find? Will she find love? be able to have kids?
I wish it was me fighting these battles for her... If only I had the option of trading places with her. I would give anything for her to lead a normal life!!! My little girl..... I never saw this coming when I found out I was pregnant. I dreamt of taking her to ballet lessons, teaching her how to play the violin, teaching her spanishm teaching her calculus once she reached 9th grade, I wanted to teach her everything I know and much more...............